CSR reporting software

Sustainability reports according to any standard

Matching indicators

On standardized frameworks, for example, according to GSC or GRI, and fall back or adjust them according to their own requirements.

Easy data input

Data entry in a clear web interface with automatic validation and consistency checks.

Data consolidation under control

Numbers and answers are grouped together in a consolidated data base and are available for day-to-day evaluations.

Flexible reporting

Evaluations as time series, location comparison, benchmark and other aspects can be defined flexibly at any time.

With the CSR reporting software Quentic you can create a systematic data base for sustainability reports according to any CSR standard—for example, German Sustainability Code (GSC), GRI or CSR Directive 2014/95/EU. Define indicators to represent their economic, environmental, and social performance and thus fulfill important information requirements for your stakeholders. The software platform calculates the associated key figures from the decentralized data deliveries of its business areas.

You can export meaningful tables and diagrams to Word and Excel at the touch of a button. Depending on the target group of your CSR reporting, you focus on time series for the development of individual indicators, comparisons between the KPIs of your locations and benchmarks of your company against plan and target values. With Quentic you always have a reliable basis for your stakeholder communication. The underlying processes of data collection, consolidation and release are easy to administer and can be transparently tracked at any time.

What about climate protection, working conditions, and supply chains? Determine which sustainability aspects you are reporting with which key figures. If desired, you can access standardized frameworks, for example, according to GSC or GRI, and adapt these according to your needs. You also define derived ratios, such as energy consumption per sales, using the intuitive formula editor.

Ask each department and each responsible person only the key figures that are relevant to him. For the creator, data entry is presented in a clear web interface, which is accessible from the personal overview. Automatic validation and consistency checks support it.

With the reporting plan, you always have an overview of which key figure deliveries are still pending from which area and let those responsible automatically remind you of due dates. After internal approval in the dual control principle, the delivered figures and answers are combined in a consolidated data basis and are available for daily analyses.

You can define evaluations according to different aspects and comparisons with target values yourself at any time. In the background, Quentic takes care of the conversion of units and currencies, as well as the calculation of derived variables, or the data aggregation that transcends space and location. In this way, you will always be able to report on your economic, ecological, and social performance in detail as well as at corporate level.

“We have created a solid foundation for our reporting of all ecological aspects of sustainability by implementing a centralized system. The effort required to record, verify and evaluate data has been reduced significantly since we can automatize many work steps with Quentic.”

Quentic in 2 minutes

EHSQ and ESG for everyone. Digital and a perfect fit.

Discover how the Quentic solution makes your EHSQ and ESG management easier and brings everyone involved together. The cloud-based software supports you competently in all tasks in the areas of occupational safety, environmental management, quality and sustainability.

Digital documentation, organization, evaluation — with the Quentic solution you save time and structure your processes in a transparent and comprehensible manner.

Enthusiastic Quentic customers

In your industry too!

  • Pfizer Manufacturing Deutschland GmbH
  • T-Systems International GmbH
  • Hermes Fulfilment GmbH
  • Federal-Mogul Nürnberg GmbH
  • Wincor Nixdorf Manufacturing GmbH
  • Joyson Safety Systems Germany GmbH
  • Veolia Umweltservice GmbH

Regardless of whether you’re a medium-sized company or a large corporation, Quentic software solutions are always the right fit. Over 900 companies from a wide range of different industries have successfully been relying on our globally tested system for many years.