Easy-to-use workplace control scheme for hazardous materials (EMKG) now available in HSE software

February 24, 2014

The HSE software, EcoWebDesk, has been released in version 6.3 with significant innovations for the “Easy-to-use workplace control scheme for hazardous materials” (Einfaches Maßnahmenkonzept Gefahrstoffe, EMKG). As of now risk assessments in the management of hazardous materials are tailored around the EMKG version 2.2 of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA). The decision tables, as defined in the EMKG, are factored in for the most frequent risk assessment activities, so that all necessary safeguards for any existing dangers can be quickly compiled at the touch of a button. It must be noted, however, that the BAuA is a German government agency and thus its regulations apply only to business that is conducted within Germany.

In addition the data record history for Measures, Audits and HazMats was optimized, and now provides a structured overview of all changes of the data sets in one tab. To the numerous German video tutorials a number of English language versions were added in version 6.3. Overall EcoWebDesk online-software, with its many new functions, equips health, safety and environmental managers and hazardous substances officers with a hands-on tool.

EcoIntense has changed its name to Quentic in October 2018. As part of this change, the software EcoWebDesk has also been renamed Quentic.

Download press release: February 24, 2014 (PDF, 433 KB)