EcoIntense welcomes Chinese delegation

December 10, 2015

Health and safety specialists from China learn from the established software provider in Berlin

A delegation from the National Office for Health and Safety China visited the headquarters of the software specialist EcoIntense on December 10 in Berlin. The group of 22 participants included employees of government agencies and companies located in several Chinese provinces. Visitors learned about the features of EcoWebDesk, a web-based software for health, safety and environmental management, as well as sustainability management. A guest speaker from the municipal water supplier Berliner Wasserbetriebe gave an insight into the daily use of the software from the customer’s point of view. Generating risk assessments proved to be one of the most interesting software features for the participants. During a two-week educational tour in Germany, the delegation visited government agencies and companies that provide products and services for occupational health and safety. The participants learned in seminars about today’s challenges and requirements that companies face with big data, data analysis and use in the health and safety management. The educational program was organized by Carl Duisburg Centren in Cologne, a non-profit association for international education and qualification.

EcoIntense has changed its name to Quentic in October 2018. As part of this change, the software EcoWebDesk has also been renamed Quentic.

Download Press release: December 10, 2015 (PDF, 356 KB)