Software for operating instructions

Legally sound. Modular. Accessible anywhere in the world.

Obtain certification

Suitable for your management systems according to ISO 45001, ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and ISO 27001.

Browser-based solution

Access your documents at any time, across departments and regardless of location.

All information at a glance

Select the desired information from a database of warning phrases and signs.

Increase efficiency

Create clear responsibilities and smooth workflows – Save time and money.

With Quentic, you will have your safety instructions completely under control. Identify and assess potential hazards in the work areas, equipment and activities of your employees. Determine safeguards and easily create safety instructions.Temporary fixes, tangled lists and endless spreadsheets are all things of the past as Quentic combines everything in one to make integrative management a reality.

Are your safety instructions still up-to-date? T anks to the central software solution Quentic generating and updating safety instructions has never been this easy.  Simply select the desired information from a database of warning phrases and signs and the document will be ready within minutes. This standardized procedure ensures consistency and clear directions for everyone involved.


Enthusiastic Quentic customers

In your industry too!

  • Vattenfall Europe Information Services GmbH
  • Unilever Deutschland Holding GmbH
  • Philips GmbH U-L-M Photonics
  • Bosch Rexroth AG
  • Hermes Fulfilment GmbH
  • BayWa AG
  • Federal-Mogul Nürnberg GmbH

Regardless of whether you’re a medium-sized company or a large corporation, Quentic software solutions are always the right fit. Over 900 companies from a wide range of different industries have successfully been relying on our globally tested system for many years.