Occupational Safety

Whitepaper Contractor Safety Management

How EHS software takes it to the next level

Special attention should be paid to the unique needs of contractors when devising company safety policies. Contractors are statistically more likely to be involved in incidents and injuries. Industry-wide surveys have shown that companies are very aware of that: 91% of professionals polled considered Contractor Safety Management to be significant or very significant to their firm’s operational excellence.

Read this whitepaper to learn about the key requirements for a unified EHS platform solution and see why such a solution enhances the overall safety of both contractors and formally employed workers while mitigating potential risks.

The whitepaper Contractor Safety Management provides valuable advice on how to:

  • Develop and implement a contractor safety management standard using an EHS software solution.

  • Manage contractors (and subcontractors) via a multi-step process that ensures constant communication and adequate information throughout each step of a process.

  • Bridge the gap between Operational Risk Management and Environment, Health & Safety and benefit from a 360° view that helps you manage all safety-related aspects better when collaborating with contractors.

  • Gain exclusive access to our 7 step guide to achieve best-in-class contractor management (no matter which platform you use).

Have a look at our whitepaper: